AD: Slavisa Savic
Year: 2013
New Moment No.34
Magazine for art & advertising
From introduction: "In times when information are available at the touch of a finger to everybody, has the art of storytelling become redundant?
Is it endangered, or maybe even lost? Or is it, on the contrary, more important than ever before?
What is the role of storytelling today?
How has the storytelling changed with the shift to visual culture and introduction of modern technologies?
In search of answers to these and many other questions, New Moment Magazine 34 has gathered storytellers from different
areas of creativity. The following pages are a meta-story that each of them contributed with their diverse and, sometimes,
opposing views. Follow the red thread and watch it unravel.
Svetlana Ćopić
Is it endangered, or maybe even lost? Or is it, on the contrary, more important than ever before?
What is the role of storytelling today?
How has the storytelling changed with the shift to visual culture and introduction of modern technologies?
In search of answers to these and many other questions, New Moment Magazine 34 has gathered storytellers from different
areas of creativity. The following pages are a meta-story that each of them contributed with their diverse and, sometimes,
opposing views. Follow the red thread and watch it unravel.
Svetlana Ćopić