AD: Slavisa Savic
CW: Svetana Copic, Slavisa Savic
Agency: New Moment Y&R Serbia
Client: Atlantik printing office, Banja Luka
Year: 2008
Lucky calendar
Print house promo
To create a powerful b2b tool that would demonstrate variety and quality of printing techniques ATLANTIK printing company has to offer.
To create a calendar that everybody will want to have and keep on a visible place in their office
Calendar that brings good luck
Each of the 12 pages represents a new idea that ensures good luck for owners of the calendar. The calendar is interactive, as each month invites observer to participate in realization of that month`s idea in a playful and fun way.
To create a powerful b2b tool that would demonstrate variety and quality of printing techniques ATLANTIK printing company has to offer.
To create a calendar that everybody will want to have and keep on a visible place in their office
Calendar that brings good luck
Each of the 12 pages represents a new idea that ensures good luck for owners of the calendar. The calendar is interactive, as each month invites observer to participate in realization of that month`s idea in a playful and fun way.

FRONTCOVER. Before you open the calendar, you can test your luck on scratch card. With every calendar you get a t-shirt as a present.

MARCH: Birthmarks on right places bring fortune and good luck! Unglue birthmarks from this page and stick them on those places where and when you need them most.

APRIL: There are four-leaf clovers hidden on this page. Whenever you need some extra luck this month, just spend a few minutes searching for one on this page

MAY: This is the month of luck in love! Whenever you have a dilemma whether someone loves you or loves you not, just pluck petals from this page and see for yourself - we made sure that answer is always - Yes, he/she does!

AUGUST: In many countries it is believed that if a bird hits you with poothat means that you will be struck by luck of that day. So, when you need some extra luck this month, use the iron-on transfer picture from this page and try to lure Madame Fortuna.