AD: Slavisa Savic
Client: New Moment New Ideas Gallery
Agency: New Moment Y&R Serbia
Year: 2007
New Moment Gallery
Billboard extension
The NEW MOMENT Gallery has long been a cult location on the cultural map of Belgrade. Its creative, innovative and visual identity has been particularly prominent in the fields of contemporary design, advertising and communications. Dragan Sakan, a man of ideas and visions, founded the Gallery in 1995 as part of his New Moment advertising agency, daring to believe that advertising should be transformed into ARTvertising. Convinced that “ideas are all around us”, he created the Gallery as a place of inspiration. The fact that his creative dreamers infused new energy into considerable expansion of their activities in the field of visual arts is the best evidence that the Gallery, thanks to innovative ideas, has become a contemporary institution that is in constant motion and on a perpetual upswing.