Modeling: Slavisa Savic, Milan Stosic
Place: Piran, Slovenia
Year: 2011
Monument in Piran
Dedicated to Dragan Sakan (1950-2010)
In the course of 35 years in this business, Saki created one of the largest regional agencies in the Balkans; he was a member of the global creative board of Saatchi and Saatchi Worldwide, jury president at EPICA, Golden Drum, Moscow, and many other festivals. He wrote three books on advertising and was the founder of the Ideas Campus (School of Creative Thinking) and the BeogrAD festival; he launched New Moment magazine, and worked tirelessly on educating young professionals at many lectures and panel discussions. He won a lifetime achievement award - the Charter for Peace (Povelja za mir), in Sarajevo and the Acknowledgement of the Association of Psychologists. -Dragan Sakan was my creative guru. When he suddenly passed away, I wanted to make a monument in his favorite place with one of his favorite ideas – city of Piran made of books, that actually looks like a table of some renaissance master. Near cafe and sea, monument become a touristic attraction.